What is Ergonomics?

According to Merriam and Webster (2020) Ergonomics is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. This science enables an employee’s greatest productivity while ensuring good quality outcomes and long-term physical and mental health and safety.

This is achieved through the design of work tasks, tools, equipment, and workstations as well as human biomechanics and the environment. I am an Occupational Therapist and Certified Hand Therapist with training in field of Ergonomics who is capable of identifying risk factors and outlining cost effective solutions that work for you in your personal life as well as your company. 



Lowcountry Ergonomics was created to help people in THEIR environment. This means we come to you at home or at work. Our services are aimed at preventing and reducing pain and discomfort during home management activities such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc. as well as in the work environment and recreation-such as gaming. We are capable of assessing ANY environment seated or standing, inside or outside. The sky is the limit!


Decreased Pain & Improved Health

Preventing injuries and discomforts BEFORE they happen is our goal at Lowcountry Ergonomics. However, if you or your employees are currently experiencing discomfort we are capable of assessing probable causes and offering affordable low cost solutions.

Higher Productivity

When job tasks are able to be completed efficiently we get more done. Time isn’t wasted on excessive movement. Over-exertion is less likely to occur as we utilize safe postures and positions. This reduces work place fatigue. Because employees are educated regarding how to work safely their confidence in their abilities increases.

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Investing in ergonomic evaluations or ergonomic group education seminars will allow you to help your employees work better. Employees who feel supported are happier in their positions as they see your efforts as an investment in themselves. When employees are happy, retention rates are higher.


Ergonomic assessments identify risk factors associated with job tasks. We are able to recommend modifications to job tasks to reduce these risk factors. Employees are then educated to work in a manner that prevents injury. These preventative measures contribute to reducing workers compensation claims as well as direct costs. Additionally, they have been shown to reduce and/or eliminate other costs associated with on-the-job injuries.